12 March 2013


March and April here means clear and sunny skies. That’s the sort of weather you’ll find in Thailand during this time of year which holds the best holiday in Thailand’s calendar .... SONGKRAN!!! 

It’s the new year day in the Buddhist calendar when the sun change its position from Aries to Taurus. It is celebrated during mid April and is the day of appreciation of the most important element in agricultural, water. During the the day, people pour water on each others shoulder and even soak each other.

Well, it got a little extreme from being a modest celebration to being almost a pool party. Throughout the day you’ll be ambushed by people on the sidewalks armed with a bucket of water and even, my kid’s personal favorites, WATER GUNS!!!  Yes, you could carry aquatic firearms around the streets without getting arrested. 

mmm...gun with umbrella

Every once in a while,someone’s car gets ambushed and gets a free car wash. But don’t worry no one is getting sued as everyone is encouraged to be involved in this spectacular celebration. I mean, who doesn't want to get soaked on a hot summer day.

My family misses it so much! I’m planning to return to Bangkok soon. Maybe for SONGKRAN

05 March 2013


Bahasa Malaysia Blues..

Today my eldest son, Hafiy came home with bayload of homework.But what really made him so worked out was his Bahasa Malaysia homework. We're barely been here for three years and Hafiy is still working on his Bahasa especially Penulisan or writing.Now, in secondary school the teachers will excpect you to be able to do everything individually and in a such short amount of time, which creates a lot of preasure on him.Eventhough he is only in form 1 (year 7),he already has frustration and preasure over his homework and he is so paranoid (is not a good sign!) about his attendance at school.It is because with the new system which has a test at the end of every topic or what we call PBS.The problem is..there is no specific date or time for PBS. So you will never know when your home from school and when is PBS..

Back to his homework, so..his Bahasa teacher give him an assignment which is to write an essay on Patriotism.Hafiy is known for his fear to his Bahasa teacher which is really inconvieniant for his learning process.So the teacher told him to write certain things in the essay that she wants to see.When I see him come home,he is always carrying a long face. I knew what was wrong.It usually  be social problems or teachers or homework.I just ignored it for a while because I thought he was just tired and he didn't feel like going to swim practice and we will talk about it during lunch.But an hour later he came down with a book and a pen with a pair of baggy eyes (yes! he cried when get frustrated) trying to figure out what to write.As a mother..I tried to help him but I knew He knew what I was trying to say to him wasn't the answer he was looking for. He told me that the teacher wants to see a perfectly structured essay based on what she wanted and had to contain all the ideas from the example..(why can't the teacher let the student use their ideas with the help of the given example???).Well, you'd always get this kind of things around here.When you work your head off coming up with the ideas and you turn it in it's not what the teacher wants.You could say my son has native tounge issues.This is effecting his social endeavours too.The other kids say that Hafiy's basiclly an outsider because english is the only he's interested in.But it seems he's the only boy who is enthusiatic about english.Hafiy finally found what he was good at when he moved here.that is english.The other kids see him as some dictionary they can refer to.That what really makes him happy knowing what he's good at and helping other kids as well..

Well..if you ever have a child facing the same problem,you can always share them with me in this blog..

03 March 2013



Do we have to wash organic Veggies and Fruits?

Definetly YES!..Whether it's organic or not,unwashed produce can be pathway to food-borne illness,says Micheal P.Doyle Ph.D a professor of food microbiology at The University of Georgia.Organic foods/goods may come pestcides-free,but harmful microbes like E-coli,salmonella and the noroviruscan be transferred to fruits and veggies from the hands of the harvesters or other shoppers who have touched them.These can lead to food poisoning,diarrhea and though highly chronic illness such as kidney failure or even death !..Sooo Please make sure that YOU wash your fruits or veggies before consuming..This will help to lower your risk..

How to  minimise as much chemicals as possible before we consume the food?? 

Most chemicals can be reduced through the BIOZONE Purification Process, which they have a series of laboratory tests to share. Scientifically proven in many advanced countries, ozone technology is commonly used for purification of water, food and swimming pool treatment.

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Mariam ~016-9274292~